Note: This product requires one of the following operating systems in order to function on its respective platform:
Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10/11
Mac OS X 10.10 or later
Android 4 or later
iOS 5.1 or later
The product can be downloaded here
WARNING: The license key provided will work on Windows. For Mac, iOS, and Android you need to use the Activation code instead in your Avast account at which is created once the license key is activated in Windows. If you do not have a Windows computer, please contact the seller using Conversation Module who will be able to register this license key for you and provide you with the Activation code needed for Mac, iOS and Android activation.
For those who want online freedom
Who needs hackers on public Wi-Fi, advertisers tracking everything you do online, and content blocks whenever you’re in the wrong country?
Enjoy the Internet your way, with Avast SecureLine.
In order to obtain the proper installer, please refer to the download links below:
Windows 7, 8 and 10 Installer:
Windows XP and Vista Installer:
Mac Installer:
Android Installer:
iOS Installer This content was copied from It is protected by copyright, all rights reserved. If you want to use it, you are obligated to leave the link to the original source.
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